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Tiger Lily - Jodi Lynn Anderson
This tale is told in Tinker Bell's perspective about Tiger Lily's little story with Peter Pan and the Lost Boys. At first, it annoyed me a little that I couldn't just be in Tiger Lily's head and understand her without a third voice butting in, but as the story continued, Tiger Lily's and Tinker Bell's personalities really grew and each became their own person. Tink is mute and is only an observer of all of this which could be rough at times. But, it gave the story more of a third person point of view which was fabulous. Tink is such an amazing spirit and I loved her little thoughts about everything.
Tiger Lily is a girl of very, very few words. As a reader, it was hard to emotionally connect to her in the beginning and even the middle. I could never know what she was really thinking despite Tink's thought-reading narration and Tiger Lily was so unpredictable. She definitely had a wall up and had an air of mystery. It made it more unbelievable that Peter fell in love with her. (I can see it now, how Peter's curiosity drew him to her) Towards the end of the middle, I grew to love her.
Tik Tok was an awesome father and it's a shame what happened to him. Despite his cross-dressing, he was one of the best villagers in the tribe.
Peter was as charming as ever! I fell in love with his fun spirit, along with Tink and Tiger Lily. He was such an amazing leader and one of the best hunters. He also had a really good potential of being a father. He wanted more than he got, unfortunately.
This story was incredible. The plot was very intricate and I loved the plot twists! It is such a touching story and experience. An incredible journey. Although this is a retelling, it was still quite unpredictable and a particular death really saddened me. The romance in this book is really cute and a little quick actually! It was a really good love story though, all of their feelings described in the tiny motions (like lingering eyes...). Of course, Wendy comes into the story so this love story had a heartbreaking end.
THE ENDING. Oh my goodness. As you can see from above, it was heartbreaking. Worst break-up ever. I had fallen in love with Peter at some point in this book and it just crushed me- what happened at the end. I cried TWICE during this book. That's... amazing. The ability for a book to make you cry is a gift that few authors are able to do. Just... incredible despite its few flaws. People, go read this NOW!
4.5 stars!
Jennifer (:
*Coming up next is My Life Next Door review! Keep your eyes peeled for that! :)*
Jennifer (:
*Coming up next is My Life Next Door review! Keep your eyes peeled for that! :)*
I just bought this for my niece for Christmas this year! I hope she enjoys it. :)