Friday, July 31, 2015

Review of the Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas

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The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas

I am literally so done with this series (in the best way possible).

I don't make a habit of reading novellas but since the five novellas were oh so neatly condensed into an entire book, I figured why the heck not. I didn't particularly have any expectations since I thought that this book wouldn't really influence my readings of the rest of the series. Boy was I wrong.

Reading these novellas, I could recognize the references and allusions to different parts of her past in the other books. THEY ALL MAKE SENSE. The novellas individually are like beautifully wrapped presents- each capable of standing on its own. But together, they become a really intricate story with an actual plot throughout all 5; it was great to read.

I was going to review each novella individually but I am too lazy for that- plus the stories really combine to form one big story so I'll just generalize: Writing was great as always. Less fantasy, which is to be expected because this is before her Fae side came to life. MANY interesting new and somewhat familiar characters like Sam and Arobynn. It was really interesting to see Sam and Arobynn come to life since they have always had only small references to them in the other books; I had no idea Arobynn was what he was. And Sam. SAM BROKE MY HEART. IT WAS AWFUL. I SAW IT COMING YET I STILL CRIED.

This book punches you in all the feels. Every single one. LOVE.

xx Jennifer

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